Sealmaker as a company

We manufacture and sell seals, insulations and packagings from different types of materials to industries. Our wide know-how helps you to solve your condensation and packaging problems. We produce rubber-, plastic- and fiber-based products.

Our end product will solve your needs cost-effectively. Our biggest clients work in the fields of electronics and building industry as well as HVAC and OEM sectors.

Large selection

Packagings, seals, discs, insulations, special solutions – yes, the list keeps going! We can deliver rubber-, plastic, and fiber products as well as special materials to all your needs.

Our product sizes vary from discs of millimetres all the way insulations of square meters. The widths vary by product and start upwards from 0,05 millimetres.

Our production

We keep a comprehensive selection of raw materials in our storage in different forms. Our production can cut different strengths from those materials, which usually enables the storage of the right width. This way we can produce prototypes and small series quickly before the actual making of the production tool. Our production has a readiness to make series, which include even million copies of your product. Most of our clients also use our services to package their products. We can also help in needs related to assembly.


You should contact us already in early stages – our know-how is there for you. Our long experience from different types of industries has grown our know-how. We provide technical support as well as professional service from prototypes all the way to production series.

Industrial aspect

SEALMAKER is not focused on just one industry but rather have the readiness to service you all-round. Our client base shows that our first-class service is appreciated in many industries.

Sealmaker as a partner

One supplier - many products

Professional staff

Powerful customer service

Cost-efficient products

Competitive prices

Flexible operation

Excellent supplier with a large partner network